Dual Cartridge Joint Filler 600ml
Joint Filler is a “Slow Set Aromatic Polyurea” designed for use in interior Control Joints and minor concrete repair. Joint Filler is a 5 to 8 minute quick set, flexible 1:1 by volume polyurea system. This two part polyurea is 100% solids and designed to be self‐ leveling, “hand mixed” or machine dispensed. Joint Filler is used for rapid installations in control joints and other concrete structures where short down‐time is important and the environmental temperatures limit the use of other polymer products. The product can be driven over in approximately 45 minutes after installation. Cold Temperature Applications: Joint Filler may be used in cold temperature applications below zero °F . Set times do slow some in cool temperatures but flexibility is maintained. Joint Filler exhibits excellent resistance to moisture, chemicals and abrasive conditions. Joint Filler is used for installation areas that require a fast set, high strength flexible Joint Filler that provides “load transfer” across a standard saw cut control joint.
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